Friday, April 15, 2011


What bothersome things we humans are. We toil and tend the land to make our lives bearable when the very meaning of living escapes us. We create things, unnatural things, to become more entrenched in them instead of actually living. How many people can say that they don't use cell phones? How many people can say that they don't need the internet to get along from day to day? Few, especially in developed countries. And after we're done with a device and want the newest gadget to replace it? Throw it in the trash. That's where most portable devices end up, poisoning the land with heavy metals and other things that take thousands of years to decompose. All of this in order to continue something we consider "happy lives." I honestly am hoping that I'll eventually move out into the woods like Thoreau did at Walden pond. Sure, it'll be tough and I probably won't last that long, but I figure that's better than being enslaved by the things we all "need" in our daily lives. Fabricated necessities that further construe the meaning of life and lead to fabricated debt of money with arbitrary value. This isn't how we were meant to live and if it's a requirement these days, then I'm ashamed to be a part of it.

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