Friday, February 11, 2011


Lately, I have been thinking a lot about consumerism and the possible impacting it is and will have one our environment. This word can often go hand in hand with materialism. The human population is no longer content with purchasing or cultivating just enough for what for what it is needed or necessary for sustainment. There has been a growing trend of us wanting much more than what we need. It seems that we have unlimited wants. For example, there was once a time when families had just enough space in their house for day to day living. However, now everyone seems to want the biggest and best house. This means that more natural resources and space has to be used to manufacture these bigger homes. Another example of consumerism can be seen in our food consumption. We are, by far, a large group of over-eaters. We consume food products in much great quantities than what we really need to sustain us or keep us healthy. Again, this is causing an over-use of resources such as animals and plants. This high demand for more and more things (and wasting most of them) is causing a slow down in the regrowth of vital grains, nutrients, and meats.

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