Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our Moral Responsibility

This week I am not going to inform you of a new way to create energy without harming the environment. I am not going to give you any statistics about how our earth is slowly becoming a giant coffin for 6 billion people. Instead, I am going to give us all a little reminder that it is our job to do whatever we can to try and resolve this problem. Not only for ourselves, but for the sake of the generations to come. Until recently, global warming was never on the news, you never heard about the emission of "green house gasses", or how the world was at risk of declining to the point of the next mass extinction. There is a very simple answer for why this hasn't been a problem of the past. Until recently, humans used horses for transportation, we created our crops without harsh pesticides and herbicides. Now, it seems almost everything we do somehow expedites the route to our doom. This is where I will present a challenge to all of us. I think that we should all make it a goal to take this problem on our shoulders and try to do something about it. There are several reasons why we should do this; the first is because we started out with a picture perfect earth to live in. Since then, we have seemingly done everything humanly possible to destroy it. Instead of hoping in our big luxurious Hummers, I think we should crawl into our Prius instead and start saving gas. The burning of gasoline and fossil fuels is the main part of our problem. The burning of these gasses and oils creates carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide accumulates in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide burns holes in the ozone layer, therefore carbon dioxide is destroying our planet. Unless we don't mind being the cause of the next mass extinction, which will probably be us. Don't get me wrong, my intention was not to make us all feel guilty about how we've been living, because that is in no way what I am trying to do. I just think that we should all stop and think about the generations to come and how they would feel about us doing nothing to try and stop and repair the damages that have already been done. Don't do this for us, do it for the people who it could possibly kill. Do it for you kids.

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