Friday, January 28, 2011

Human Relationship with the Environment

For any type of life to be successful on Earth, there needs to first be a delicate human environment relationship. Since I believe humans are a part of nature, humans should treat all of the other aspects of nature in the environment with respect. All parts of Earths natural living systems need to work harmoniously together to support each other. Plant and animal life provides humans with glorious scenery, food, water, a cleaner atmosphere, and many other things.
Humans need to do there part in helping the Earth natural cycle too. Since most plants and animals could exist very well without human interaction, humans need to show their environments the respect they deserve since we depend on them so much. People across the globe have destroyed habitats to build upon for our personal needs. It should be a law that those who take from mother nature must take sparely and give back by planting trees, setting aside more land for wildlife and vegetation, or by doing some other noble environmental reconstructive deed. I believe our Earth does not work as harmoniously as it has in the past because of the reason that humans keep taking and plants and animals have to adapt or die.

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